When All Their Mates Started Getting Married, These Guys Decided To Go On A 'Homiemoon'


Two guys have taken their bromance to the next level by heading off on a ‘homiemoon’ together.

“While everyone else is getting married and having babies, my best friend and I had our own homiemoon in Thailand,” wrote Imgur user ignoreeverythingido.

They visited Buddhist temples, elephant sanctuaries and beautiful beaches - and it looks like they had a whale of a time.

The pair, who have been friends for 15 years, captured their holiday in the style of the ‘Follow Me To’ Instagram account, where Murad Osmann takes pictures of his partner in front of him, always holding his hand.

“For reference my friend is a burley, hilarious, large orange-bearded, kind dude,” added ignoreeverythingido.

Friendship goals right there. 

The trip begins...
Made it to Tonsai beach
Checking out the Sunday night market in Chiang Mai
So many Wat's (temples)
More Wat's
Making new friends at the pool. This was an elephant sanctuary that saved these magical beasts from horrible treatment and conditions.
White Buddha in Pai.
Ended the trip in Bangkok.
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