Half Of Mothers Lose Sleep Over Career Worries

What's Keeping British Mums Awake (And It's Not Their Babies)?

Half of mothers lose sleep because they stay awake at night worrying about their career, according to a new study.

Recruitment firm Women Like Us said it had noticed a growing trend of women registering with the company in the middle of the night.

The survey of 1,500 women found that just over half were being kept awake at night by work worries, including concerns about balancing careers with family life.

One in 10 said they started worrying about returning to work when they were pregnant.

Karen Mattison, who helped launch the recruitment firm for mothers wanting part-time jobs, said: "Many of us have our own internal 'ticking career clocks' and the stress surrounding the search for work post-children is clearly keeping many women awake at night.

"There are so many issues to work through: 'Should I go back to my old career or is it time to start anew'?; 'How should I cover the break to have kids on my CV?'; 'Where do I even begin looking for jobs in today's market?'. Ironically, most mums will have had access to careers advice when they themselves were children.

"Yet your circumstances change so drastically when you have children - this is when you need career support the most."

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