8 Things You Spend Money On At Half Term That Are Slowly Bankrupting You

Wine, wine and more wine.

You’re not imagining it, half term really is bankrupting you. 

A new study by American Express has shown that parents spend, on average, £276 more per child throughout the break. And that’s not even for families going on holiday.

Here are eight things that are slowly burning a half-term-sized hole in your pocket.

1. Unwanted treats in the trolley.

Forget trying to go to the supermarket alone this week, there will be company.

2. Educational days out to museums and galleries. 

To balance out the feeling of guilt when you put them in front of the TV for eight hours. 

3. Bribes.

Always the most expensive (but completely essential) part of parenting.

4. Heating bills. 

In our day we just had to put on another cardigan. 

5. Endless snacks. 

They’re on seven meals a day by the end of the week. 

6. Craft and DIY materials. 

Isn’t this how Pinterest parents pass the time? 

7. Cleaning products.

To stop the house from being completely destroyed by said Pinterest attempts. 

8. Wine. 

It’s going to be a long week. 

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