Hangovers Get Better As You Get Older (But Still Doesn't Explain The Plague Of Two-Day Hangovers) (POLL)

Hangovers Get Better As You Get Older - Do You Agree?

It may not feel like it, as you ride the rollercoaster of a two-day hangover, clutching your head and wondering how you ever managed going out two nights in a row.

But according to the results of a major survey by Danish researchers involving 50,000 people, hangovers do get better as you get older.

Here at HuffPost UK Lifestyle, we're not quite sure we're convinced (referencing a hangover from last weekend where we felt like a dead dog) but experts say we experience fewer of the symptoms with age.

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The Daily Mail reported that researchers for the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research said that of the symptoms, throbbing headaches, vomiting and exhaustion can decrease dramatically.

During the study, which surveyed 51,645 adults between the age of 18 - 94, researchers found - as you may expect - that drinkers between 18-30 tend to binge drink. However, despite drinking more often, their hangovers still ended being worse than people older than them, who had drunk the same amount of alcohol.


A hangover is a collection of signs and symptoms linked to a recent bout of heavy drinking. The sufferer typically has a headache, feels sick, dizzy, sleepy, confused and thirsty. The severity of a hangover is closely linked to how much alcohol was consumed, and whether the sufferer had enough sleep. The less sleep the worse the hangover.

Source: Medical News Today

Janne S Tolstrup, a research program director at the University of Southern Denmark said in a press release: "We found that the tendency to have hangovers decreased by increasing age. The first explanation that pops up is that this finding would be due to differences in drinking pattern in different age groups.

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"However, trying to account for such differences as much as we could, did not even out the differences in hangover tendency," she said. "In other words, while it is true that older individuals on average binge-drink less often than younger individuals, we did not find in our data that results were due to differences in drinking patterns."

Several reasons for the findings are that older people who are more experienced with the effects of hangovers, tend to be more tolerant to the effects. That's certainly true as you get older - rather than lying prone on the sofa for an entire day, most of us tend to go on with our day as normal.

Another reason is that older adults are more responsible when it comes to taking precautions - so this could include making sure they eat beforehand, drinking water while drinking booze and not mixing their drinks.

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