Former Deputy Labour Leader Says It Matters 'Enormously' To Her Party Trump Is Not Elected

Ex-MP and current peer Harriet Harman ripped into the Republican presidential nominee.
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Harriet Harman laid into Donald Trump on Sunday
AP/Sky News

Former Labour MP Harriet Harman ripped into Donald Trump on Sunday, saying her party does not want him to be re-elected.

Harman, once the deputy leader of the party, now sits in the House of Lords – but that did not stop her from laying out all the reasons she does not like the former US president as he runs for re-election.

Speaking on Sky’s Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips, she said: “It’s not so much tribalism, but I think it matters enormously to us that Trump shouldn’t get elected.

“For two reasons in particular – one, because he undermines democracy.

“Anybody who cares about democracy, all around the world – many people care about democracy – he undermines trust and confidence in it.

“He attacks his own democracy, as well as casting a blight on everybody else’s.”

Trump has been charged with attempting to interfere in the 2020 US presidential election after losing to Joe Biden.

Harman continued: “Also there’s a virus of misogyny that he sends out which legitimises the idea of how women are to be treated badly and are unequal. I mean, look at his vice president for example.”

Ohio senator JD Vance was selected by Trump to be on the Republican ticket with him, but he has already proven to be a highly controversial choice – particularly after he called leading Democrats “childless cat ladies”.

Harman said: “And that spreads, through the internet and through social media, and affects young boys and girls in this country as well.”

However, she suggested the current vice president and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris was “energising the Democrat base” – something which was lacking when Joe Biden was the nominee – and that “gives me hope” Trump will not win.

Her comments are at odds of high profile people who once sat on the other side of the House.

Former PM Boris Johnson said Trump’s return could be “a big win for the world” while his successor Liz Truss said he is the “leadership the West needs”.

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