Harvard Girls Want To Marry Prince Harry Too! They Even Made A List Why

Harvard Girls Want To Marry Prince Harry Too! They Even Made A List Why

Harvard University student Sylvie Rubin-Budick wants Prince Harry to be her husband. We KNEW it wasn't just us!

Sylvie was so distraught when she discovered Haz is apparently set to marry his girlfriend Cressida Bonas, she penned an open letter to the prince. And yes - Sylvie made it very clear why Harry should marry a Harvard girl.

The five-point plan included factors such as, "we could help your Grandma with governmental issues," and "we're so much more fun to party with than your normal crew".

And while we're inclined to disagree with the latter (did she not see the Vegas pics!?) we've got serious respect for any girl so adamant on bagging herself Prince Harry.

Sylvie finished her piece with, "You still have time, Prince Harry, you haven't even hit 30 yet. Make a Harvard girl your princess - you won't regret it."

If Harry doesn't happen across this letter we've got our own rules to becoming his girlfriend. Read our fail proof* plan here.

*Disclaimer: Success may vary.