Eight Tips to Stop You Falling Off the Healthy Eating Wagon

Eight Tips to Stop You Falling Off the Healthy Eating Wagon

We all do our best to eat clean, healthy meals every day but it isn't always easy.

Many things will get in the way and you'll find yourself opening a chocolate bar before you even realise you're in the kitchen!

Here are 8 ways to make healthy eating easier to stick to:

1. Stick a motivational picture on your fridge door

Stick your favourite motivational quote or picture on your fridge door and every time you go to open the fridge you'll be greeted by that picture. It's a sure fire way to deter yourself from reaching for something that isn't in your healthy eating plan.

Alternatively, you could stick a meaningful message with your reason for choosing the healthy lifestyle to the fridge door to support you on your path.

2. Don't stock 'bad' food in the house

An even better way to stop yourself from grabbing a chocolate bar or bag of crisps is to not keep it in the house at all. You immediately lower the risk of temptation by knowing that there is no 'bad' food in your house for you to pick at because your only options are healthy choices.

If other people in your family aren't following the same path as you then this may prove difficult though.

3. Plan your meals for the week

By planning your meals for the week ahead you reduce the chance of deciding last minute to throw something that's not included on your healthy eating plan in the oven (or microwave). We all have busy schedules and planning ahead is something that can take the stress out of meal preparation.

Simply list the meals you're going to have for that week and refer back to the list daily. You can even prepare the meals at the beginning of the week and store them in the freezer to make mealtimes even easier.

4. Take a list with you when you go food shopping...and never go when you're hungry

Preparing a list for your food shopping will not only make you less likely to pick up foods that you shouldn't have, but it will also make your shopping cheaper because you will only be buying what you actually need to make your meals for that week. Sticking to your list will deter you from wandering down the sweet aisles too.

Never go food shopping when you are hungry though; this is just a recipe for disaster!

5. Always have healthy snacks in your bag

One of the main times we're all guilty of craving something we know we shouldn't is when we are out and hungry. It just seems so much easier to buy a chocolate bar than to find somewhere that sells something that's good for you, but if you have healthy snacks in your bag then you'll never have to feel this way again.

Some great snack ideas are nuts, chopped fruit or vegetables, or protein bars. Keep a supply in your bag and it will keep hunger at bay until you get home to your clean and healthy meal.

6. Drink more water

Many of us snack because we think we're hungry when what we are actually feeling is thirst. Make a point of drinking more water every day and you'll feel less inclined to pick at snacks in between meals.

7. Set realistic goals

Losing weight takes time, you didn't put the weight on in one week so you aren't going to lose it all in one week. By setting yourself unrealistic goals you're basically setting yourself up to fail, and when you fail to reach those targets you're likely to reach for the nearest ice cream tub to drown your sorrows.

Prevent this by setting realistic, achievable goals. They need to be challenging to make you work hard but make sure they're realistic.

8. Don't beat yourself up

If you do happen to fall off the wagon don't beat yourself up about it. It's normal to struggle, we all do it! If you miss some workouts or eat some things you perhaps shouldn't have, just get straight back into your fitness and clean eating routine as though it never happened.

If you already follow these tips, but are still struggling to get the results you desire, check out my recent post on why you're not losing weight.

Check out my blog for motivational tips and advice - Fit and Gluten-Free

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