Heath Campbell, Nazi Father Insists Decision To Name Son After 'Great War Hero' Adolf Hitler Is 'Cute'

Nazi Dad Insists: Naming My Son After 'Great War Hero' Adolf Hitler Is 'Cute'

A father who is fighting for visitation rights to see his youngest son has spoken about his passion for Nazism and insisted his decision to name one of his children Adolf Hitler is “cute”.

Heath Campbell made the headlines last week after he marched into a closed family court hearing in Flemington, New Jersey, while dressed in full Nazi regalia.

Campbell is father to Adolf Hitler Campbell, 7, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell, 6, Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell, 5, and Heinrich Hons Campbell, 18 months.

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Heath Campbell attended the court hearing in full Nazi uniform

He is currently fighting for the right to see Hons. The older three children were taken into state custody in 2009 as part of proceedings which were sparked after a shop refused to decorate a birthday cake with the name of their oldest child, Adolf.

Campbell told The Sun: “There was no evidence of abuse so what’s wrong with the name Adolf Hitler? It’s cute. My son is named after a great war hero.”

The 40-year-old Holocaust denier (he says there is “no evidence” it occurred) added: “I don’t do hate crimes. And I wouldn’t advocate the extermination of other races, just for them to live separately.

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Campbell leaves the family court, where proceedings are closed

“I am not hurting anyone. I am a good neighbour. The old lady who lives next door to me is disabled. I help her with her wheelchair.

“Although if she was Jewish, I might push her down a hill.”

Last Monday ahead of the hearing, Campbell told NBC News: “I’m going to tell the judge, I love my children. I wanna be a father, let me be it.”

NewJersey.com reports that although family court proceedings are closed, a 2010 appeal decision said the children's removal was not because of their names, but based on allegations of domestic violence.

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Campbell and his estranged wife Deborah, with one of their four children

Campbell says his three oldest children have since been adopted by other families. His youngest child, Hons, was taken into care hours after his birth in November 2011.

Campbell and his estranged wife Deborah have always denied abusing their children.

Outside the courthouse, Campbell added: "I've never abused my children, I only name my children and I don't think it's right anymore.

"Basically, what they're saying is because of my beliefs and I'm a Nazi, that us people don't have any constitutional rights to fight for our children."

When asked whether he believed his Nazi uniform would help his case, the 40-year-old replied: “If they're good judges and they're good people, they'll look within, not what's on the outside."

"If I have to give up my Nazism, then so be it. I'll do it," Heath Campbell told the Star-Ledger in 2011. "[The children are] more my heart and soul and everything than anything."