Here Are Some Photos Of A Very Cute Vampire Hedgehog Called Sir Hodge Huffington

No, don't ask, we didn't name our site after a hedgehog.
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Who knew that hedgehogs could be that cute!
nemchinowa via Getty Images

Meet Sir Hodge Huffington the Cricket Slayer -- or Huff for short.

Huff is owned by Carolyn Parker and has almost 50,000 followers on Instagram.

The hedgehog has generated a following due to his distinct vampire teeth, and Parker's endless supply of very cute pics.

Huff was adopted from Quill Berry Hedgehogs, where she was placed after being rescued from an abusive owner.

Parker told Bored Panda that she started the Instagram to cheer others up.

"Huff comes off as being grumpy and 'huffy', but is really lovable and cuddly on the inside. I think that's why there is such a large fan base for hedgehogs... because a lot of people can really relate".

And in case Huff's Instagram wasn't enough, the Quill Berry Hedgehogs Facebook page has a habit it of putting up photos of cute baby hedgehogs.

We're not complaining.

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