This Quick Way To Cure A Wasp Sting Is Hiding In Your Kitchen Cupboard

Even though they're the WORST, wasp stings can be eased quickly with the right help.
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It’s difficult to dislike certain aspects of summer, especially since the sun is such a rarity in the UK. But, if there’s one thing that I’m sure everyone can’t stand about the warm weather, it’s the influx of insects and bugs. 

Once you open your windows for fresh air you’re exposed to a plethora of insects and the risk of getting bitten or stung.

And not only are those stings or bites so itchy that you want to peel your skin off, they can be seriously painful too.

Fortunately Claire Nevinson, a pharmacist at Boots, has shared her advice on how to treat some of the most common bites and stings, and what to do differently depending on the cause.

“When treating a bite or sting, it can be tricky to know the cause, particularly if you didn’t see it happen, but don’t worry, as the process for treating them is similar,” she says. 

How do you treat a wasp or bee sting?

Anyone can tell you how painful being stung by a wasp can be. Wasp stings usually cause a sudden, sharp pain at first which is typically followed by a swollen red mark that may form on your skin.  

“This may be painful and itchy and can last a few hours. Occasionally, the sting can cause a minor allergic reaction, which can be painful, red, and swollen for up to a week,” Nevinson says.

Web MD explains that the first thing you want to do when treating a wasp bite is to wash the affected area with soap and warm water. Doing so will remove any bacteria or venom that the wasp might have carried. 

You should then apply the ice pack to the affected area for 30 to 60 minutes. Use the ice park in intervals of 10 minutes, taking it on and off the affected area.

Really want to ease it up quick? Apple cider vinegar can help with wasp stings too. Simply soak a cotton ball and place it on top of the affected area. 

“A bee sting might feel similar but the sting can be left in the wound. If this occurs, this should be removed as soon as possible using tweezers, before washing the area with soap and water,” Nevinson adds.

“If you start to notice swelling, apply a cold compress such as an ice pack, or flannel soaked in cold water, for at least ten minutes, and where possible, elevate the affected area to help reduce any swelling.”

Us 1, wasps nil.