High School Student Suspended Over A Single Chicken Nugget

Just bring a packed lunch next time.

Most teens have complained about rules at their school being overly harsh. 

But a high school student who was suspended for buying an extra chicken nugget at lunchtime might have a point. 

Carson Koller, from Knoxville, Texas, was excluded for a day for theft after the school said he had taken six chicken nuggets in the canteen, rather than the designated five. 

Carson Koller was given a day's suspension over the chicken nugget incidentOpen Image ModalCarson Koller was given a day's suspension over the chicken nugget incident
Carson Koller was given a day's suspension over the chicken nugget incident
Jupiterimages via Getty Images

The Farragut High School student’s mum wrote a furious post on Facebook after finding out about the punishment. 

“My Eagle Scout, captain of the drum line, all-around hardworking and well-rounded teenager just got suspended from a day of school (and after school band practice) for taking an extra chicken nugget from the lunch line,” Carrie Koller Waller wrote. 

“Does my son really deserve suspension over hunger, especially when they have the ability to charge his lunch account for the items (which they did!!!!)? How is it theft if he paid for it??? 

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Koller's mum wrote a furious post on Facebook after hearing the news

“It’s food. FOOD!!! Not weapons. Not drugs. Not alcohol. Not cheating on a test. Not inappropriate clothing or profanity. Not fighting. Not calling in threats. Not vandalism,” she continued. 

“I am shaking my head over this and not sure what to do....laugh, punish, argue, dress him up as a nugget bandit, or let it go.” 

However, Koller’s suspension was overturned after it was discovered the teen had in fact paid for the extra chicken nugget, with the school blaming the incident on a fault with the till. 

Maybe just bring a packed lunch next time? 

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