HMS Westminster Deployed To Libya With Just Four Missiles

British Frigate Sent To Libyan War With Just Four Missiles

A British warship sent to Libya during the north African nation's conflict was armed with just four missiles, it has been reported.

HMS Westminster is said to have been carrying only four Sea Wolf missiles when it was deployed in March. They are are used to defend the ship against attack by intercepting incoming fire.

The missiles are fired in pairs meaning the frigate only had two chances to destroy any missiles fired at it by Colonel Gaddafi's forces.

The vessel has the capacity to carry 32 Sea Wolf missiles as well as eight Harpoon missiles.

Retired rear admiral Chris Parry said the Ministry of Defence had taken a big risk by cutting back on the ship armaments.

"This is yet another example of the incoherence of last year’s Strategic Defence and Security Review. What if the Government’s bluff had been called?" he said.

"What would the Ministry of Defence be saying if the Westminster had been hit by something? They took a big risk."

But the MoD said it was a calculated risk.

“The air threat off Benghazi was low. HMS Westminster could have been resupplied if needed," a spokesman said.

The revelation came after it was the reveled that Britain's coast has not been protected by a warship for over a month. In the past the coast was patrolled by a ship able to respond quickly to any incoming threat.

The government's recent defence review has cut the navy's surface fleet to just 19 frigates and destroyers.

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