The Budget Facility on Infrastructure run by the National Treasury and the Presidential Infrastructure Coordinating Commission received 59 project submissions with an aggregate funding requirement of R35-billion. Several projects have been recommended for detailed appraisal.
Negotiations on the next public-service wage agreement are under way.
Promote transformation and competitive outcomes by implementing sector reforms.
The Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act Regulations took effect on 1 April 2017.
The Financial Sector Regulation Act was signed into law on 21 August 2017.
Manage fiscal and economic risks associated with state-owned entities
Government granted South African Airways R5.2 billion to address debt obligations. This allowed SAA to avoid default, roll over some debt and continue negotiations with lenders. A permanent chief executive officer has been appointed, and the appointment of a chief restructuring officer is under way.
A private-sector participation framework and a template to determine and cost developmental mandates have been approved by Cabinet.
An energy task team resolved not to provide balance-sheet support to Eskom. The Minister of Energy announced that Eskom will sign power-purchase agreements with independent power producers at a tariff not exceeding 77c/kWh.
Create policy certainty by finalising key legislative and policy processes
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research completed a study on spectrum availability and open access.
The Competition Commission launched a market inquiry to investigate data prices.
Draft legislation is being finalised to facilitate the licensing of Postbank.
Implementation of the revised Mining Charter has been postponed to December 2017.
Government is consulting stakeholders on the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill.