How People Reacted To Britain's EU Deal

How People Reacted To Britain's EU Deal

Reaction to the news that a deal on Britain's membership of the European Union had been reached in Brussels:

David Cameron tweeted after talking to the world's media: "I believe Britain is stronger, safer and better off within a reformed European Union."

In a series of tweets president of the European Council Donald Tusk wrote: "We have achieved a legally binding and irreversible deal decided on by all 28 leaders, strengthening Britain's special status in the EU.

"The #UKinEU settlement addresses all of PM @David_Cameron 's concerns without compromising our fundamental values.

"We didn't walk away from the negotiating table. We were willing to sacrifice part of our interests for the common good, to show our unity.

"I deeply believe the UK needs Europe and Europe needs the UK. But the final decision is in the hands of the British people."

Jean-Claude Juncker tweeted: "#UKinEU Deal done. Months of hard work w/ @eucopresident + cooperation w/ @europarl_en paid off. Happy. Fair for UK, fair for 27 #EU States.2"

Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaitė: "Agreement #UKinEU done. Drama over."

The prime minister of Malta Joseph Muscat tweeted: "It's a deal, a fair deal. Best of luck to @david_cameron in his campaign to keep #UKinEU. It is now up to the British people to decide."

Estonian prime minister Taavi Roivas tweeted "Official: After months of hard work, a good and fair deal offered to UK people. EU determined to be united with #UKinEU".

Czech Republic prime minister Bohuslav Sobotka tweeted: "This is an important moment. Europe has demonstrated a huge will continue as a strong community. Perhaps it lasts in the solution of other problems. #EUCO."

Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny tweeted: "Pleased that European Council agreed package of reform that will allow @David_Cameron to put Brexit question to UK."

Lib Dem leader Tim Farron tweeted: "The fight to keep #UKinEU starts now. Join @LibDems campaign to keep Britain #INtogether ."

Plaid Cymru's Jill Evans MEP said: "We have to see the big picture. There is a lot we would like to change about the EU but we can only do that from within."

Labour MP for Birkenhead Frank Field said: "A vote to leave is the only way to achieve major EU reform"

#LeaveEU co-chairman Richard Tice tweeted: "Cameron promised half a loaf, begged for a crust and brought home crumbs." #EUCO"

Tory MEP Daniel Hannan tweeted: "Britain banged the table and aggressively demanded the status quo. The EU, after some mandatory faux-agonising, agreed. #EUCO #VoteLeave."

Former Tory MP Louise Mensch tweeted: "All you need is Gove (and @JWhittingdale and @patel4witham and @sajidjavid) #Brexit let's go! Britain rising!"

Bob Neill MP for Bromley & Chislehurst and Chairman of the Justice Select Committee tweeted: "Full say over single market rules whilst never joining Euro, no discrimination v UK financial services trading in € big wins for London."

Former Tory MP Louise Mensch tweeted: "All you need is Gove (and @JWhittingdale and @patel4witham and @sajidjavid) #Brexit let's go! Britain rising!"

Former Labour cabinet minster Yvette Cooper tweeted; "Visited company & workforce in Whitwood today who said 80% of business there depends on Europe. More reason why Yorkshire is #StrongerIn."