How To Make An Egg Yolk Face Mask (And Why It Does Wonders For Your Skin)

How To Make An Egg Yolk Face Mask (And Why It Does Wonders For Your Skin)

It sounds kind of disgusting, but if you want glowing skin, make an egg yolk facial mask. Yep, eggs on your face. Really.

But why? Eggs are high in sulfur which is needed to produce collagen and keratin. Both of these are essential for shiny hair, strong nails and glowing skin.

So - does anyone actually do the egg facial thing? Yes. Huffington Post Style recently interviewed Marissa Sebastian, a retail associate from New York, who claimed that eggs were the key to her clear complexion.

"I use it a lot and it makes my skin really glowy and soft," she told the site. "Once you get over the fact that you're putting egg on your face... just whip it up really well and apply to your face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes or until it hardens and then gently rinse off with warm water, gentle soap and a washcloth. It's great for moisturising your skin."

Want to give it a go? Watch the video below to find out how:

More brilliant (egg-free) face masks below: