How To Put Skinny Jeans On Hands Free!

How To Put Skinny Jeans On Hands Free!

You know when you struggle to pull on skinny jeans that are fresh from the washing pile? This Youtube video demonstrates exactly how to get them on in style - hands free.

Check out how this guy gets his on to 'The Final Countdown' theme tune by stepping into them, bending, kneeling and stretching into side-lunges complete with the best shimmying action you'll ever see.

Things to note when doing this at home (because who won't be trying this?) include completing a few warm up moves in preparation, wearing socks, being super-quick on your toes and bending the knees low enough to get them up your thighs asap.

Then it's essentially a lot of hip and butt action - don't be afraid to use your arms - a combination of wiggle and shake are guaranteed to have to dressed and ready to role before you can say "Bend and snap" Clueless style.

Now, getting this down to 40 seconds flat like this chap will take practise but will definitely knock time off your morning routine.

The video has already had 1,488,510 views on Youtube and this is sure to soar given that going hands free when it comes to fashion is bang on trend right now.

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