How to Triple the Availability of Textbooks Around the World

How to Triple the Availability of Textbooks Around the World

Our first new policy paper as the GEM Report is out today and shows how altering the textbook market to a more centralised finance model could take up to $3 off the price of each book. Combining this approach with finance models similar to those attached to the Gavi vaccine alliance could triple the number of textbooks available for children worldwide.

The fact is that many millions of children do not have access to textbooks. A survey of primary schools in eleven developing countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, Malaysia, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, and Uruguay shows that, on average, up to a fifth of grade 4 pupils do not have a textbook or have to share one. In Cameroon, there was only 1 reading textbook for 12 students and only 1 mathematics textbook for 14 students in grade 2. In some countries, including Kenya, Malawi and Namibia, the rise in school enrolment is making textbook availability even scarcer.

This is a crucial issue for all of us as we embark upon the new UN Sustainable Development Agenda, within which good quality education for increased learning outcomes is put front and centre. Our research shows that this lack of textbooks is holding back learning. In 22 sub-Saharan African countries, providing one textbook to every student in a classroom increased literacy scores by 5-20%.

In addition, UIS data shows that governments are not investing enough in textbooks. In 2012, in 36 countries with data, less than 2% of the primary education budget was spent on teaching and learning materials on average; 16 countries spent less than 1%. Only Kuwait and Malawi spent close to 5% or more.

What this means is that parents are often left covering the cost of learning materials for their children, creating further barriers to acquisition of basic skills and other learning outcomes for the poorest. Learning materials constitute over a third of total household spending on education in 12 African countries, increasing to over half of spending on education among the poorest households.

This situation clearly needs improvement, which is why our paper has investigated the benefits of shifting to a nationally centralised textbook procurement process, which would pool demand for textbooks and ensure long-term and predictable financing. With better understanding of future textbook needs, finance models such as matched private-donor funding, would significantly increase the contributions made by the private sector. This is why we have released this paper today, in time for the World Economic Forum, where we hope to prick the ears of the companies meeting on the slopes in Davos.

Our estimates find that centralising procurement could shave US$3 off the price of each book, saving almost US$1 billion in sub-Saharan Africa alone. Kenya could save $US64 million from their textbook bill. Malawi could save US$33 million.

If similar models to those used by the Gavi Alliance for textbooks, such as matched private-donor funding were also used, we calculate that available external aid for textbooks in sub-Saharan Africa could increase from US$549 million to US$785 million. This, together with the potential cost savings owing to a more centralised procurement approach, could more than triple the number of textbooks available in the region.

Globally, this approach could triple the number of books available to children around the world.

Next to a well-prepared teacher and sufficient instructional time, well-designed textbooks in sufficient quantities are a highly effective way to improve student learning. This has been recognised by some countries - notably Swaziland, Guatemala and Nicaragua - but many others have yet to follow. Our GEM Report is mandated to monitor the new global education goal and will continue to compile evidence on learning materials. We are convinced this is one of the best indicators of a country's commitment to providing good quality education for all.

Here are our core recommendations for ensuring textbooks can move cheaply and effectively from a printing house to school and into the hands of children:

  1. Carry out effective demand forecasting. At country level this should be coordinated by the Global Partnership for Education and Local Education Group.
  2. Increase domestic funds for textbooks. At least 3-5% of the primary education budget and 6-8% of the secondary education budget should be spent on textbooks.
  3. Channel a larger share of resources for textbooks through one central Fund. Donors should at least double the current 11% of basic education aid being disbursed through a pooled funding mechanism.
  4. Incentivise increased domestic funding for textbooks. A Global Book Fund should ensure external resources for textbooks are matched in commitments from governments.
  5. Match private-donor funding. Donors should commit to matching pledges by private donors.
  6. We need pooled demand for textbooks. Offers of pricing and volume guarantees should be given through advance market commitments, and be underpinned by sustainable financing from a range of public and private actors.
  7. Report on textbook spending in a transparent way. Better information will guide better spending. We need to know what is being spent on textbooks and teaching and learning materials by both governments and donors.