Introducing HuffPost UK Student's Musician Of The Week

Introducing... Student Musician Of The Week

There's a hell of a lot of talent out there which, unfortunately, sometimes goes unnoticed.

That's why we've decided to launch Student Musician of the Week: an opportunity for you, or your band, to be profiled on the Huffington Post UK.

Whether you're a classical singer or a rapper, in a metal band or a folk group, we'd love to feature you on the site.

The only condition is you have to be 25 or under, or in education (whether it be as an apprentice, school pupil, or college or university student).

So, if you're still interested, answer the following questions and send them off to

Make sure to give us a tweet too - so we can keep our eyes peeled for your email.

Student Musician of the Week Q&A:

1) How long have you been playing/singing?

2) What genre of music do you play/sing?

3) Why did you start playing/singing?

4) What’s your most memorable musical moment?

5) What’s your dream?

6) Who’s your idol and who would you most compare yourself to? (Dead or alive...)

7) If you could play/sing with anyone, who would it be?

8) If you could play at any festival, which would it be?

9) Who are your fans?

10) What’s your all time favourite song?

Can you also please provide full name, age, university, course and any website links/twitter handles you’d like to be included, as well as a picture of yourself and a link to a YouTube video of you performing (if you've got one).

Don't forget to like us on Facebook as we'll be posting your Q&A session on there, and you'll be appearing on our Young Talent section too.

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