Hull's Student Union Asks Students To Vote In Referendum. Then Tells Them What To Vote

Hull's Student Union Asks Students To Vote In Referendum, Then Tells Them What To Vote For.

Hull University's student union has adopted a rather unusual way of implementing democracy... holding a referendum and then telling its students what to vote for.

The referendum, held to decide whether student trustees, who help govern the union, should be "selected rather than elected", certainly raised some eyebrows.

Speaking to HuffPost UK, fourth year Hull student Laura Hutchinson said: "I feel extremely passionately about the issue, as it will mean the highest decisional making body within the union becomes over 50% selected rather than elected.

"As student unions (especially HUU) pride themselves on being run by students and being democratically representative, it is a disgrace."

Richard Brooks, president of Hull University Union told HuffPost UK: "The proposals for amendments to our governing document have been put to an all student vote as part of our annual elections. What we are seeking from this all student vote is the support of our students for a decision that our Sabbatical Team, who are elected to represent all students studying at the University of Hull, and our Board of Trustees feel will make our democratic processes more accessible and representative.

"The changes that we are proposing will bring us in line with best practice in other Students' Unions and we feel that they will all be beneficial for all our members."