Hunting Ban Backed By 84% Of Voters, Poll Finds

Hunting Ban Backed By 84% Of Voters, Poll Finds

Any attempts to repeal the Hunting Act would be "deeply unpopular" among the majority of the British public, a new poll has found.

The Ipsos MORI poll commissioned by animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports found 84% of the public do not want a return to fox hunting.

Opposition to hare hunting and deer hunting was even stronger, at 91% and 88% respectively.

The poll also suggested banning fox hunting is growing increasingly popular among Conservative voters.

It is now at 73%, having risen from 64% in 2013, 66% in 2014, and 70% in 2015

League Against Cruel Sports chief executive, Eduardo Goncalves, said: "Today's polling highlights just how out of touch any move to repeal the hunting ban would be with the views held by the majority of the British public - including Conservative voters.

"The overwhelming view of electorates is that they do not want their parliamentary representatives supporting repeal."

Mr Goncalves also attacked Environment Secretary Andrea Leadsom, who has suggested she would take a fresh look at fox hunting.

He said: "The Hunting Act made hunting wild animals with dogs for sport illegal, protecting a number of animals including foxes, hare, and deer.

"Not only would a move to legalise the cruel sport be potentially detrimental to the animals the law protects, but as today's polling makes clear - would make no sense politically.

"It is time for Andrea Leadsom to join the rest of the country and support the hunting ban."

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