Husband Agrees To Experience The Pain Of Labour As a Mother's Day Gift To Wife

Man Experiences Pain Of Labour As Mother's Day Present

Just as we'll never truly know the nadir of being kicked in the balls, men are just never going to get the pain of labour.

Oh sure, they could make soothing noises and offer to mop our brow, but we're inspired by one guy to go one better: actually try it out for themselves.

In a bid to give his wife the best Mother's Day present, one dad agreed to go through the pain of labour by a real doctor, and have it filmed.

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"To really embrace fatherhood, you should experience what it took to become a mother," his wife tells him.

In the doctor's surgery, they begin by getting his rectus muscles to contracts in place of a woman's uterus.

And it's only in the early stages of labour he first utters the phrase: "Okay, stop, stop!"

If only it was easy enough for women to say that, eh?

The doctor drums up the pain, and it's far from welcomed well for this poor man, punching the bed and scrunching up his face in pain. Ow.

His wife humourously takes the whole ordeal seriously, telling him to breathe and offering him beverages - but that's not without her laughing hysterically when he's screaming in pain.

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As the labour pain increases, he soon has to scoot forward with his legs wide open as if he's about to pop a little one out.

It's a gem of a video to show your partner if that conversation ever comes up again.