'If I Were Prime Minister...’ Birmingham Voters Tell HuffPost UK Their Priorities

Invest in the NHS, put more police on the streets and get MPs out meeting people.

In the latest in our Beyond Brexit series, getting the views of ordinary voters outside the political ‘bubble’, we talked to two men and two women from Birmingham.

We asked them what one thing they would do if they were Prime Minister.

Derek, a 58-year-old football coach, said: “I would show financial commitment to the NHS.”

Alex, a mum-of-one and substance misuse practitioner, said she would invest more in helping people with addiction.

“I would make sure money was put back into the social care sector,” she added.

Richard, a hotel receptionist, said: “I would change the way Westminister is run. Instead of having them all down there having their teas and coffees I’d get them all out in public.”

He said he would get MPs knocking on doors all year round, ‘not just at election time’.

Peggy, 57, a cleaning supervisor, had a lengthy list of priorities, including giving the police and courts more powers.

“I’d try to put more money into the NHS and try to cut waiting times,” she added.

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