I’m A Paediatric Nurse, These Are 5 Things I Will Never Let My Children Do

"I've seen kids lose fingers, entire hands, teeth, portions of their jaw..."
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Parenting is difficult enough without everybody giving you advice you didn’t ask for or even need, but, when it’s an expert speaking, it may be time to listen up.

Paediatric Operating Room Nurse Josie Rose Mueller shared on her TikTok account the things that she’ll never do with her children, based on her experiences in the workplace.

In Mueller’s words, she’s seen ‘some shit.’

5 things a paediatric nurse would never let her children do

Ride on a parent’s lap on a lawnmower

Though the nurse admits that photos of this are very cute, she says that given her experiences, she just can’t let it happen with her own children.

Mueller said: “Yes it is adorable but it is less adorable when I see kids getting their legs get cut off from it.”

.... Yes, that does take away the cuteness, to be fair.

Never let them near fireworks

Mueller said: “I will never let my kids play with explosive fireworks during 4th of July.”

She added: “I have seen kids lose fingers, entire hands, teeth, portions of their jaw... I’ve seen them blow up basically just about anything.”


Let children go to a pool party unless they are very confident in water

Mueller said: “It’s actually true that the more people that are in a pool, even surrounding the pool, the higher the chance is that your children will drown.”

She added that there’s ‘way too much’ room for error and for someone to get lost. 

It isn’t worth even considering, when you put it that way, is it?

Let them ride in the car without being completely fastened in

Mueller explained: “I have seen situations where one kid is buckled in and walks away with very minor injuries, and the other kids either [dies], or walks away with very severe injuries because they were not buckled in from the very same crash.′

According to the road safety charity Brake, every 19 days the equivalent of a whole class of young children is killed or seriously injured on roads in Britain.

Let them be babysit, or have a sleepover without knowing every single person that will be there

Mueller said: “I will never let my kids be babysat by, or go to somebody’s house, or spend the night and do a sleepover at a house where I do not know every single person that’s going to be there, every single person in the house.”

She added that it’s essential that she can verify them and know that they’re good people as she’s been witness to abuse that she doesn’t even feel comfortable speaking about.