Why We Need to Stop Blaming 'The Foreigners'

'Foreigners' is just a term we can use to group everyone who wasn't born in Britain together, allowing economic migrants and refugees become one faceless group. With no name or backstory it is easy to feed into the media frenzy surrounding immigration.

A few years ago some EU regulations were changed and Britain was set to be invaded by mass amounts of Romanians and Bulgarians, which would ultimately tear apart Britain's economy. We were faced with countless newspaper reports of how aggressive Romanians are, how Nigel Farage wouldn't want to be neighbours with them, and how they would steal all of our jobs and our benefits and our houses. Yet surprisingly that didn't happen.

'Foreigners' is just a term we can use to group everyone who wasn't born in Britain together, allowing economic migrants and refugees become one faceless group. With no name or backstory it is easy to feed into the media frenzy surrounding immigration.

This idea that they are all leeches on the economy and will ultimately be the downfall of Britain is much easier to believe when it is drilled into us every time we open a newspaper or watch the news, and especially when there is a whole political party that seem to blame every one of Britain's flaws on immigration.

And now we find ourselves debating how many refugees should be allowed to enter Britain, and having our opinions skewed yet again by the media. We've heard every offensive and belittling word that could possibly be associated with refugees. Calling them cockroaches and referring to them as swarms has become worryingly acceptable. Not only does it group the refugees together into a faceless crowd but it also succeeds in making us see them as pests.

The government has done the bare minimum to help refugees, but it is not hard to understand why. The growing anti-migrant mentality in Britain is something Cameron cannot turn a blind eye to.

It's no surprise that people are so cautions when it comes to accepting more refugees because we've heard so many dystopian predictions of what Britain would look like if it continues to allow migrants to enter the country. But there has been a significant lack of predictions of the benefits that more migrants would bring.

The argument that it is not Britain's responsibility is one which surfaces every time a devastating crisis happens in the world. But Britain cannot live in splendid isolation. It has ties to the EU and the rest of the world. If the situation was reversed, would we not want help from other countries?

We need to stop blaming the immigrants, the refugees, the disabled and the poor and start looking to the people in charge. It is the government who need to find a solution, and they should be held responsible for the flaws in the economy and in society rather than the migrants. Perhaps the Conservatives should spend less time producing attack videos on Jeremy Corbyn and instead focus on finding a productive answer which deals with the refugee crisis both in Britain and in the Middle East.

It is important to remember that migrants and refugees, or whatever we decide to label them as, are humans too. Whilst it is easy to look down at them, refer to them as pests and make them take the blame for the country's problems, we need to accept that there will always be migrants.

Many people have argued that Britain needs to change, and that reducing the amount of migrants that come in is exactly the type of change that we need. But perhaps we need to stop searching at the bottom of the pyramid for someone to blame and start looking to the people in charge.