Inquests Resume Over Crash Deaths Of Five Teenagers

Inquests Resume Over Crash Deaths Of Five Teenagers

Inquests are resuming into the deaths of five teenagers in a horrific car crash.

Blake Cairns, 16, Jordanna Goodwin, 16, Megan Storey, 16, Arpad Kore, 18, and Bartosz Bortniczak, 18, died after the Toyota Corolla in which they were travelling was in collision with a Seat Leon car just outside Conisbrough, near Doncaster, in November last year.

Blake, Jordanna, Arpad and Megan were sixth-formers at Danum Academy in Doncaster, and warehouse worker Bartosz was a former pupil.

Danum Academy headteacher Rebecca Staples said after attending the teenagers' funerals last year: "It's been the hardest two weeks a school could ever bear. It's ripped the heart from us but it's that heart that's kept us together.

"I've been proud to be in a school where so many staff and so many students look after each other."

Students laid scores of tributes to their friends outside the school's sixth-form common room and at the spot where the crash happened, on the A630 Doncaster to Rotherham road, about five miles (8km) from Danum.

The crash happened about 100 yards from the scene of another incident in January 2011, in which three teenagers, aged 14, 15, and 16, died after the car they were in hit a tree and was torn apart.