Insulate Britain Protester Storms Off Good Morning Britain During Heated Interview With Richard Madeley And Susanna Reid

He did a Piers.
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Good Morning Britain

An Insulate Britain protester took a leaf out of Piers Morgan’s book on Wednesday’s Good Morning Britain when he stormed off the live show during a heated exchange with hosts Richard Madeley and Susanna Reid.

Campaigner Liam Norton was on the ITV morning show to talk about the protests that have seen activists shut down the M25 five times in just over a week.

Wednesday’s interview got off to a shaky start when Susanna asked Liam to stop patronising her.

“You’re an intelligent journalist,’ Liam said. “And you haven’t understood what I said last week about what we do in the next three to four years will determine the future of humanity.

Susanna retorted: “Liam, try not to be so patronising when you’re talking to me.”

Things then went from bad to worse when Richard stepped in to say that blocking the motorways puts the lives of others at risk.

“You’re not accepting the responsibility of your actions,” Richard told him.

“Well, if you say something stupid, I’ll cut you off,” Richard added. “The way you’re putting your argument is fatal, it has fatal consequences.”

Getting increasingly irate, Liam then launched into rant, stating: “We’ve been writing letters for 30 years. We’ve been writing petitions for 30 years. This is our line in the sand. We are demanding the government makes a meaningful statement to save the future of this country and if they refuse to do it then they can put us in prison.”

Liam then stood up and yelled: “I’ve had enough of talking to people in this country about what we’re doing. This is the state of things.” 

The Government is today seeking an injunction against the environmental group after police warned that their tactics on the M25 are likely to cause “serious injury or death”.

It comes as Home Secretary Priti Patel and Transport Secretary Grant Shapps vowed to ensure ‘guerrilla’ activists “cannot keep disrupting and endangering people’s lives”.

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays at 6am on ITV.

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