Interpol 'Circulates List Of Islamic State Fighters Who May Try To Reach Europe'

List compiled from information found in terror group's 'hiding places'.

A list of 173 suspected Islamic State fighters - possibly trained to bomb and launch suicide attacks in Europe - has been circulated by Interpol, it has been reported.

Sent out by the general secretariat of the world’s largest police organisation on May 27, the list was created using information found in the group’s “hiding places”, according to the Guardian.

The newspaper reports that the list features suspects’ names, the date they were recruited, last address, the mosque they have been praying at, their mother’s name and any photographs.

And that it defines the group of extremists as individuals who have been “trained to build and position improvised explosive devices in order to cause serious deaths and injuries”.

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A list of 173 suspected Islamic State fighters - possibly trained to bomb and launch suicide attacks in Europe - has been circulated by Interpol - a policeman stands in front of a wall covered with messages of condolence in the wake of the London Bridge terror attack
Barcroft Media via Getty Images

“It is believed that they can travel internationally, to participate in terrorist activities,” the Guardian reports the list as stating.

The newspaper said the information was collected by US intelligence, before it was handed over to the FBI who passed it on to Interpol for it to be shared.

A note attached to the list circulated in Italy also highlights how suspects have been “identified through materials found in the hiding places” of IS, who “may have manifested willingness to commit a suicidal attack”, according to the Guardian.

Interpol said it “regularly sends alerts and updates” on wanted terrorists and criminals through its secure global police communications network.

“It is the member country which provides the information that decides which other countries it can be shared with,” a spokesman said.

“The purpose of sending these alerts and updates is to ensure that vital policing information is made available when and where it is needed, in line with a member country’s request.”

According to the Guardian, Interpol has asked for any information its national partners may have about those on the list, alongside details on any border crossings, criminal offences, passport numbers and bio-metric data, which will be included in the agency’s database.

The paper also reports that there is no evidence any of those on the list have crossed borders into Europe.

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