's New App Lets You Spin Through Masterpieces

Get In A Spin With ArtCircles

The New iPad has a delicious screen with more retinas than you could ever want, so what better way to use it than by having the best and brightest of the artistic world, quite literally at your fingertips?

There are plenty of apps out there which have tried to make this a reality, indeed - we’ve rated our favourites - but the new iPad app artCircles is free and may have just raised the bar.

Whether you’re an expert in Emin or a complete Rothko Rookie, the app encourages you to spin through classic and contemporary art work to help you discover new artists by colour, theme or ‘curators’ - chosen artists, musicians and designers of our time - who share their thoughts on the images which inspire them.

Not convinced? Then this cool video might sway you to get in a spin.