Nairobi Terror Attack Sees Rise In Reporting Of Anti-Muslim Abuse In UK, Tell MAMA Says

UK Anti-Muslim Hate Rises After Nairobi Attack

British Muslims are worried about reprisal attacks in the wake of the Nairobi terror attacks, with a spike in the online reporting of Islamophobic abuse.

Tell MAMA, which monitors reports of anti-Muslim attacks and abuse online, said they were seeing a upsurge in reporting.

Around seven to 11 anti-Muslim attacks per day since Saturday are being reported online, the organisation said, attacks that are specifically referencing the Nairobi terror attacks on the Westgate Shopping Mall, where more than 60 people were massacred.

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A rescue worker helps a child outside the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya

"Once again an international incident involving people who have links to Al-Shabaab causes a rise in the number of anti-Muslim prejudice incidents," Fiyaz Mughal, director of Tell MAMA told HuffPost UK.

"After Woolwich there was a huge spike, with a number of mini-spikes when there have been national or international incidents associated with people who happen to be Muslim."

The militant group that attacked the mall says it is still holding hostages alive inside and that its fighters are "still holding their ground."

The Muslim Council of Britain has condemned hostage-taking in Nairobi, where militants are reported to have told hostages they meant to kill all non-Muslims.

Farooq Murad, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain said: "The utter carnage we have witnessed is sad and shocks us all. These are acts that have no basis in our faith, and no cause should condone the slaughter of innocents.

"These people who perpetuate these murders have no regard for the sanctity for human life. We must stand together within faith and from across faiths and not allow them to divide us. I can only reiterate the words of the Grand Mufti of Bosnia, which he made a few days ago on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, "God did not create people to fight one another and shed blood..."

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