It's Official! Britney Spears &Amp; Demi Lovato Attend X Factor USA Photo Call

It's Official! Britney Spears &Amp; Demi Lovato Attend X Factor USA Photo Call

There have been rumours circulating about this for months, but last night it was finally confirmed: Demi Lovato are the two new judges joining the X Factor USApanel.

Photo: Getty

The pair joined existing judges LA Reid and Simon Cowell at the first official photo call for Fox last night. (Remember when that was Cheryl this time last year?)

30-year-old Britney and 19-year-old Disney star Demi replace last year's judges Nicole Scherzinger (who replaced Cheryl, remember? Please do try to keep up.)

While Britney kept it short and sweet in plum Passion for fashion? Follow us on Twitter and become our fan on Facebook

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