Jeremy Corbyn Asked By Little Boy What 'Strong And Stable' Means

Labour leader defines Theresa May's own campaign slogan.

It seems Theresa May’s “strong and stable” catchphrase has even cut through to some children.

Speaking in Peterborough on Friday afternoon, Jeremy Corbyn was asked what the prime minister’s favourite phrase meant.

“Thank you for your question,” he told the boy. “Strong and stable is an odd choice of words.” 

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Theresa May and Philip Hammond speaking in front of a subtle campaign message.
PA Wire/PA Images

The Labour leader added: “I think you should understand, what strength is about, it’s about your sense of belief about your sense of community about your sense of responsibility when you have responsibilities to carry out, if you’re a councillor, an MP, a minister or a prime minister.

“One, never ever forget where you come from and who put you there and in whose interests you are delivering those things.

“Second, when you make decisions, think through very carefully who benefits from your decisions, who will be negatively impacted by your decisions, and what the long term effect of them is.”

May used the phrase just moments earlier during a speech in Scotland, where she said “a vote for me and my team is a vote for strong and stable leadership”.

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