Jeremy Corbyn Publishes His Tax Return - And Accuses David Cameron Of A 'Masterclass In Distraction'

Labour leader gets £100 fine for late submission
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David Cheskin/PA Wire

Jeremy Corbyn has published his tax return just in time to exploit David Cameron's vulnerability over offshore investments - but has had to swallow a £100 fine for handing in the document late.

The Labour leader's hand-written return for the 2014-15 tax year was published as the Prime Minister was defending his tax affairs in the House of Commons.

It shows the Labour MP made £1,850 of additional income, mainly through lectures, on top of his basic salary of £70,795.

But it also showed that the return was dated a week after the deadline for paper submissions to the taxman - prompting a £100 fine.

It came as the pair clashed in Parliament, with Corbyn accusing the Prime Minister of a "masterclass in distraction".

He said: “I am not sure the Prime Minister fully appreciates the anger that is out there, over this injustice. How can it be right that street cleaners, teaching assistants and nurses work and pay their taxes – yet some at the top think the rules don’t apply to them? What has been revealed in the past week  goes far beyond what the Prime Minister has called his 'private matters'."

During an urgent question in the Commons, Cameron robustly defended his family's wealth, arguing: "Aspiration and wealth creation are not dirty words."

It came amid a riotous session in Westminster where Labour veteran Dennis Skinner was kicked out of the Commons for branding Cameron "dodgy Dave", and Tory MP Alan Duncan labelled the Prime Minister's critics as "low achievers".

The Islington North MP's full return is below. 


But it emerged after a scramble for the papers.

In an unprecedented step, the Prime Minister on Saturday made public the income he receives and tax he pays amid questions over his father's offshore investment.

The move placed the pressure on the Labour leader to follow suit, and Corbyn had promised to publish the financial document six days ago. 

Corbyn's office were thought to be requesting a fresh copy from HM Revenue and Customs despite having to keep a copy for his own records.

On BBC News, Labour's Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, said: “He does his own tax returns, I believe. He submitted and I think he’s trying to get it back from HMRC.”

Total Politics magazine highlighted a picture of the Labour leader's office when he was a backbench MP - which suggested any replica may be hard to locate.

Treasury minister David Gauke appeared to mock the Labour leader's problems.

 Others joined in.

Some pointed out Cameron first indicated he would publish his tax return four years ago - meaning any delay from the Labour leader paled in to insignificance.

Earlier today, the Prime Minister’s official spokeswoman put pressure on George Osborne to make clear how much tax he pays as “potential Prime Ministers” were urged to make public their income.

In what appears to be a carefully stage-managed move, the comments pave the way for Osborne to make public his full income - and in turn heap pressure on Corbyn, as well as would-be Tory leaders including Boris Johnson. 


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