#InOurBritain Shows People Have Very Different Ideas About What Britain Should Be

At least there are far more positive than negative messages.

On Saturday evening #InOurBritain trended after calls earlier in the day for a ‘Twitterstorm’ to show support for Jeremy Corbyn.

At 7pm people did indeed start to tweet in the spirit of what was originally intended.

Inevitably, as with most well-meaning hashtag movements, those with opposing views grabbed hold of it.


Enough of that though, on the whole it was all rather lovely.


But there was also a lot of frustration.


Oh, and obviously there were some digs at Owen Smith. 

In an interview with The Huffington Post UK, Jeremy Corbyn discussed the idea of a universal basic income.

He said: “I’m instinctively looking at it along with John. I am looking forward to discussing it with our colleagues from Norway because we have to think radically about how we bring about a more just and more equal society in Britain, how we develop policies that achieve that.

“Because what we are doing is heading in absolutely the wrong direction with a growing wealth inequality and an opportunity inequality for communities, as well as poorer families. It’s got to change and it will.

“I can see the headline attraction to it. I don’t want to commit to it until I’ve had a chance to look at it very seriously and very carefully because this would be a major, major change in social policy and it’s something I would invite the whole party and the whole movement to have a serious discussion about.

“What I want to do is develop policymaking through to 2020, where it’s very obvious what the general direction is we are going, on environmental policy, on housing policy, and health policy.”