Jeremy Kyle Criticises Russell Brand Over Tunisia Silence Comments

Jeremy Kyle Has Had A Right Go At Russell Brand

Brand had described the scheduled minute's silence for the victims of the Tunisia massacre on Friday as “a minute of bullshit”.

He added: "“An empty futile gesture part of a general policy of bullshit that our government can continue selling arms around the world and perpetuating a cycle where its own needs are met at the expense of its own citizens lives.”

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Jeremy Kyle

Writing in a column for The Sun, Kyle said: "Now even his own fans are queuing up to slap him down.

"Why? Because this week he tried to turn the dreadful Tunisian massacre into his own political football.

"His pathetic rant against the Government and corporations bore the usual Brand hallmarks. But this was different. It was more self-serving and more opportunistic than usual.

"It smacked of desperation, while also completely disrespecting the poor innocents who lost their lives just over a week ago.

"Russell somehow thought it OK to suggest that NONE of us observe yesterday’s silence for our fellow Brits.

"He said the national mark of respect was an 'empty, hollow gesture'."

He then went to describe Owen Richards who lost three family members in the attack.

Kyle said: "Well, did you see brave young Owen Richards during yesterday’s minute of silence, Russell?

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Russell Brand believes the minute's silence is an 'empty futile gesture'

"He watched three members of his family gunned down and killed by that maniac in Tunisia.

"Yet there he was, aged 16, standing tall, a pillar of incredible strength supporting his devastated mum while dealing with his own unimaginable grief. Did Owen not deserve that minute of silence?"

A state of emergency has since been declared in Tunisia after the attack in which 38 people died, 30 of them British.

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