#JeSuisEd Trends As Ed Miliband Supporters Tweet Photos Of Themesleves Failing To Eat

Twitter Is Backing Miliband With Some Rather Glorious Food Selfies

With only one day to go until the election, Wednesday morning saw UK tabloids discard any pretense of non-partisanship and attack Ed Miliband with gusto.

First up was The Sun's use of THAT photo...

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And then the Daily Mail's text-heavy attack...

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In today's modern world though, print is far from the only medium to get a message out and within hours Twitter was awash some rather unusual food selfies.

#JeSuisEd saw a wave of solidarity as people posted their own bad attempts at eating.

Some worse than others...

And some not technically sandwiches...

Even those too young to vote got involved...

And those too... non-human

Here are some other fine examples...

In a blog for The Huffington Post UK, Miliband said:

"Tomorrow the polls will open and election day will finally be upon us.

"It has been a long campaign, but it all comes down to a simple choice: between a Labour government that puts working people first, or a Tory government that works only for the privileged few.

"It is the clearest choice that has been put before the British people for a generation. The stakes are so high."

Of course it didn't all go to plan...

And this one was an absolute disaster...

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