Jimmy Savile Sex Abuse Allegations: Taiwanese Animation by NMA TV Point Finger At BBC (VIDEO) (PICTURES)

WATCH: Taiwan Animation Shows Jimmy Savile As Childcatcher

Never ones to miss an opportunity to turn a national scandal into a low-budget animation, Tawianese agency NMA TV have turned their talents to the Jimmy Savile child abuse furore, portraying the once beloved children's TV presenter as the childcatcher.

Surrounded by cheering children, the animation shows Savile in his glory days, before turning to the abuse allegations that Savile molested women, girls and boys, including patients at the hospitals he volunteered at.

But the main focus of the animation is the BBC, showing a news editor standing with Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman, throwing a video of "Jimmy Savile- expose" into a rubbish bin, where it is stolen by an ITV journalist doing a commando-style crawl under the desk.

This doesn't amuse a cartoon Jeremy Paxman, who has steam pouring out of his animated ears.

In one bizarre scene, black-hatted men, wearing jackets which say "Sky News" and "Daily Mail", beat up three monkeys who each have a letter of BBC emblazoned on their chests.