Jodie Kidd Tells Of Son Indio's Birth Drama - He Almost Arrived In Car!

Jodie Kidd Tells Of Son Indio's Birth Drama - He Almost Arrived In Car!


Jodie Kidd has proudly shown her newborn son Indio to the world in a shoot for Hello! magazine and revealed she is finding motherhood the most 'awesome, scary, brilliant, exhilarating experience' she has ever had in her life!

Jodie, 33, and her polo player partner of two years, Andrea Vianini, welcomed Indio via a scheduled Caesarean section in September.

The couple were worried the baby might arrive in the car as Jodie's waters broke at home, causing them to make an urgent dash to the Portland Hospital. The proud new mum says that her contractions were coming so fast that she thought she was 'very close to having the baby in the car'.

Jodie said back in May that she had a sneaking suspicion her baby would be a little boy - even though Andrea was desperate for a daughter!

Indio weighed 7lb 10oz, and Jodie says his arrival has left her feeling 'blessed'.

Aw, lovely!

Did you worry your baby would arrive on the way to hospital?

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