Jodie Marsh Had Lipstick On Her Teeth On ‘This Morning’ And Viewers Aren’t Happy With Holly Willoughby For Not Telling Her

'Shame on Holly... bad girl code.'

We’ve all been there. You’re down the pub with a girlfriend on a Friday night, she’s popped to the loo to touch up her lippy a little too enthusiastically, resulting in half of it ending up all over her front teeth.

So spare a thought for poor Jodie Marsh who had the misfortune of doing just that in front of a few million people when she appeared on Thursday’s ‘This Morning’.

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Despite it being blatantly obvious that the former glamour model was the victim of a make-up faux pas, hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield failed to mention it.

And that didn’t go unnoticed by viewers, who took to Twitter to call them out on it - especially Holly, who was accused by some of ‘bad girl code’...

Even Jodie was asking herself the same question...

But wasn't all that bothered...

Jodie was on the ITV daytime show to talk about her hope of finding a sperm donor after her marriage to her husband James Placido fell apart.

The 37-year-old revealed she was currently proudly celibate but still wants to have a child.

“Before I got married last year, I was looking into sperm donation because I realised that time is ticking and there are limited options available now.

“I'd done my research and I was going to Denmark because it's anonymous and then I met James, thought I was in love, and he convinced me that I didn't need it any more.”

She added: “'I'm so happy on my own, I've never been happier. I love my life, I have a really good life. Everything is where I want it to be.”

Before You Go

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