John Oliver's Orlando Shooting Speech On 'Last Week Tonight' Is Incredible

'This just hurts.'

John Oliver has delivered an eloquent and incredibly moving speech on the Orlando shooting tragedy and won plaudits for summing up the heart-breaking tragedy of the situation.

Speaking before the usual intro to his show, 'Last Week Tonight', the comedy legend paid tributes to the victims and the spirit shown by Americans during the aftermath of the country's worst mass-shooting in its history.

He said: "Before we start the show tonight I'd like to quickly address the tragic events in Orlando.

"As I'm sure you know by now at least 50 people were killed by a gunman at a gay nightclub in what is being described as a terrorist attack.

"It's still early and details are still emerging and right now this just hurts. And the worst thing is this pain is so familiar.

"In Paris last November terrorists seemed to target places symbolising everything that is so wonderful about France, culture, music, restaurants.

"And in Orlando this morning the gunman attacked a Latin night at a gay club in the theme park capital of the world.

"And for the record I will happily embrace a Latin night at a gay club at the theme park capital of the world as the ultimate symbol of what is truly great about America. 

"It's hard to even know what to do in the wake of an event like this. We do have a comedy show for you, we'll begin it in a minute with what will seem like jarringly inappropriate jangly music and I'm sure there will be much more to say about Orlando going forward.

"But for right now on a day when some dipshit terrorist wants us to focus on one man's brutality and hatred, it might be worth seeing this video."

The show then cut to the following clip shot by journalist showing the huge queues of people gathering to donate blood. 

Oliver continued: "It kinda reminds you that that terrorist dipshit is vastly outnumbered.

"And now please enjoy our stupid show."

Identities of the 50 people mown down in the deadliest mass shooting in US history continue to emerge amid fears the death toll from the “act of terror” may rise.

Omar Mateen was armed with a powerful assault-type rifle and handgun when he sprayed revellers with bullets at the popular gay nightclub, Pulse, in Orlando, Florida.

The FBI have said the 29-year-old killer born in New York was an American citizen who legally purchased two firearms within the last week before murdering at least 50 people.

Edward Sotomayor Jr, 34, Stanley Almodovar III, 23, Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, 20, and Juan Ramon Guerrero, 22, were among the first victims to be named.

Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, 22, and Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera 36, and Luis S Vielma, 22, have since been added to the list of deceased.

More than 300 people were inside the building at the time of the attack - 53 people are also in hospital, with most in a critical condition.

Despite being aware of Mateen since 2013, following inflammatory comments made to co-workers and over ties to an American suicide bomber in 2014, he was not under surveillance by the FBI.