Jon Stewart Comes Up With A New Campaign Slogan For Donald Trump

Jon Stewart Comes Up With A New Campaign Slogan For Donald Trump

Donald Trump has found himself in the centre of controversy since he first announced his bid for presidency, and Jon Stewart is having a field day.

On Thursday night's show, the 'Daily Show' host told viewers he wanted to thank one person "who’s been there really throughout this whole run, but especially near the end of the run." That person was Trump.

"Donald recently glided back into my life on his solid gold up-and-down people mover, cranked up the unauthorized Neil Young, opened up his crazy hole, and promised me I would never be without material again," Stewart told his viewers.

The focus of Stewart's segment was a string of anti-immigrant remarks Trump made during his presidential announcement speech. You may remember hearing the Donald say: "They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Like many of us, Stewart was baffled by these comments, but even more so by the people who continued to defend them.

"The one good thing to come out of this is that the farce of his candidacy is finally exposed: his un-seriousness on display, for all people and voters to see! And the results will be obvious," said Stewart, before showing that Trump is actually in second place among Republican voters in a national poll in three states flashed on screen.

"F--k me," was all he could say.