Joshua Lee Werbicki Caught 'Having Sex With Flatmate's Dog' On Camera

Man Accused Of Having Sex With Flatmate's Dog

A hidden camera allegedly caught him in the act after the owner of the poor pooch became suspicious when it started limping and started behaving skittishly around humans.

Joshua Lee Werbicki, 22, has been charged with felony cruelty to animals and misdemeanour criminal sex act with an animal, reports

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Joshua Lee Werbicki

The dog, a German Shepherd mix, will remain in the care of Brevard County Animal Services until the case is finished.

Werbicki was arrested at the restaurant at which he works last Friday.

He is being held on $2,500 (£1,522) bail and is likely to be banned from owning animals in the future.

Reminds us of this chap from 2012...

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