Josie Gibson's Waters Broke During Baby Shower Dance-Off

TV star said son Reggie-James "spun around and dropped into my womb."

Many women have unique stories about how they went into labour, and Josie Gibson is one of them. The former ‘Big Brother’ winner, 33, revealed her waters broke while she was having a dance-off at her own baby shower.

It was while she was on the dance floor that she realised she was leaking. “Basically [the baby’s] head was up high, but when I was sl**-dropping, he spun around and dropped into my womb, creating a hole in my bag [amniotic sac],” the new mum told OK! Magazine. “They had to get him out because of risk of infection.”

Gibson went to the hospital shortly after and was induced, but she ended up having a caesarean because her contractions stopped during labour. 

Josie gave birth to her son Reggie-James, who was 5lbs 1oz, a month early on September 9, 2018. Her son’s weight fluctuated after birth and the new mum said she found it difficult as he had to stay in hospital until he put on weight.

“I know he was in the best place, but it was so frightening,” she said. “He was wired up to all these machines and one of the tubes came out and the monitor went flat and made a noise like his heart had stopped. I was shouting for the nurse, but a tube had just fallen out.”

Although Josie’s case might sound unique, mums have previously shared stories and videos on Facebook of them dancing to bring on labour.

It’s hard to say for certain whether this works or not, but pregnancy charity Tommy’s said it’s something women have said they’ve used in the past. “Being upright helps your baby move down on to your cervix,” it states on their website. “Exercise will also get endorphins flowing, helping you relax and feel good about life. You can’t really go wrong with this one – just don’t tire yourself out. You need to conserve your energy for labour.”

What brought on labour for you? Did you try any unique tricks? Let us know by commenting below or emailing