Jumping From A Moving Drone Is The Latest Craze And It Is Not For The Faint-Hearted

This has gone too far.

Drones are being used for just about everything these days. From delivering your Amazon purchases to pulling you along on a snowboard.

Yet despite all of this one company has managed to find yet another reason for drones to exist: As a means of carrying a human being to a great height, and then dropping them.

If this sounds absolutely terrifying then that’s because it is. 

Latvian drone company Aerones are behind the stunt where it used a 28-propellor drone to hoist skydiver Ingus Augstkalns to a height of around 330m and then promptly dropped him.

From there Augstkalns was able to perform a BASE jump and land safely on the ground below.

We’re not entirely sure why they did it, but having seen the stunt we can already tell that this is almost certainly going to become a new craze for the fearless skydivers among us.

When Aerones aren’t coming up with new stunts the company is actually developing industrial drones for tasks ranging from search and rescue and fire fighting.

If, like us, you prefer your drones to be much closer to the ground and not flinging people off radio towers then cleanse the palette by watching this incredible video by Cinematographer Christian Grewe.

That’s more like it.