This Wonderful Hospital Allows Pets To Visit Their Poorly Owners

That's it. We're moving to Canada.

When you're in hospital, sometimes the one thing you want is familiarity - and occasionally that means a cuddle from your pet

But sadly, a lot of the time it's just not possible.

Now, one hospital in Canada has recognised the benefits of animal visitation and is allowing hospitalised pet owners to see their furry friends.

The idea was inspired by Zachary Noble, who was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma and, during his stay in hospital, wanted nothing more than to see his dog Chase.

His aunt Donna Jenkins used to sneak in Zachary's dog for visits during treatment, until he sadly lost his battle with cancer.

Before he died, Zachary made his aunt promise that she'd help make it easier for other patients to see their pets.

Jenkins teamed up with staff at Juravinski hospital in Canada and they launched 'Zachary's Paws For Healing'.

The volunteer group helps facilitate animal visits and organises for foster care for a person's pet(s) while they are receiving treatment.

Jenkins told Bored Panda: "We know that when patients get to see their pet, it can improve vital signs, improve depression and the feeling of isolation, it opens communication back up and it is a reminder for a reason for the patient to get well and return home."

She said pets are allowed to visit once a week for one hour.

Animals are thoroughly cleaned before entering the hospital and they are kept away from other patients.

Before You Go

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