Katie Price Adds 'Fake Tan Sprayer' To Her List Of Errrm, 'Talents'

Pricey The Beautician

Is there no end to Katie Price's talents?

Model, author, designer, mother... and now, she's added fake tan sprayer to her ever-growing CV.

Pah. Who needs uni?

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Yep, Pricey is now a fully qualified applier of fake tan after passing the Crazy Angel Technical Spray Tan course. She's got the certificate and everything. Mind you, didn't Gillian McKeith once say something similar?

Our only slight concern is that Katie herself isn't exactly the best advertisement for her new errrm, skill.

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It was only last week she posted a pic of herself after a major FTD (Fake Tan Disaster) when she looked like she'd been in a mud pie fight with her son Junior rather than having spent a fortnight in Marbs.

We have a feeling Leo might be looking like a satsuma by the end of the week.