Kanye West Shares His (Very Kanye) Redesign Of Mount Rushmore Amid US Presidency Bid

Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln have got company in an image Kayne shared on Twitter.

Kanye West has seemingly got some designs on Mount Rushmore should his US presidential bid prove successful. 

The rapper fancies joining the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln on the South Dakota sculpture, certainly if a Photoshopped picture he shared is anything to go by.

Kayne tweeted a digitally altered image of the famous US landmark with his face sitting alongside the former US presidents, with the caption: “2020”. 

The sculpture – which features roughly 60-ft-high granite carvings of the four former leaders – was completed in 1941 under the direction of Gutzon Borglum and his son Lincoln. 

Kanye first expressed that he intended to run for US president in 2020 five years ago, during an acceptance speech at the MTV VMAs.

He confirmed his intention to run in November’s election last month, tweeting: “We must now realise the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future.”

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Kanye West is running in the US election

Earlier this week, it looked as though his presidential bid was over before it began, after he failed to land himself on the ballot in Florida, and an insider claimed he was “out” of the running.

However, it was later revealed that Kanye is pressing ahead after all, and will appear on the ballot in Oklahoma, filing the necessary paperwork on the final day before the deadline passed.

This means Kanye will appear on the ballot in at least one state in the US election, where he’ll be running against Demoratic candidate Joe Biden and current president Donald Trump.

Unfortunately for Kanye, the deadline has already passed in a number of other states, including North Carolina and New Hampshire, which have been described as “key battlegrounds” in the election.

He could still run in Wyoming, though, where he and his family currently live on a ranch.

The next step for Kanye would be filing a statement of candidacy, or FEC Form 2, which is filed when an individual has raised or spent more than $5,000 dollars (about £3,900) in campaign activity, which then trigger candidacy status.

No record of a Kanye 2020 FEC Form 2 appears online, according to PA.