Keir Starmer Mobbed By Protesters After Refusing To Back Israel-Hamas Ceasefire

The Labour leader had to be bundled into the back of a car.
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Keir Starmer is surrounded by police as he leaves Chatham House after delivering a speech on the situation in the Middle East.
Guy Smallman via Getty Images

Keir Starmer was mobbed by protesters after he ruled out giving his support to an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

The Labour leader was bundled into the back of a car as the mob was held back by police.

He had just spoken at Chatham House in central London explaining why he was rejecting calls - including from many of his own frontbenchers - for an end to hostilities in the ongoing conflict.

Some protesters shouted “war criminal” and “shame” as Starmer was driven away from the scene.

In his speech, Starmer said: “While I understand calls for a ceasefire at this stage I do not believe that is the correct position now.”

He said he would only support a “cessation” once Israeli hostages are released and Hamas can no longer mount terror attacks.

Starmer said he instead supports “humanitarian pauses” to allow desperately-needed aid to get to those who need it.