Kim Kardashian Makes Lingerie-Clad Love Magazine Advent Calendar Debut

All fur coat and Agent Provocateur knickers.

The Love Advent Calendar 2016 just got a whole lot more star-studded with the addition of Kim Kardashian.

Starring on Day 12 of the annual festive video series, the reality star models peach lace Agent Provocateur lingerie under a Coach faux fur coat.

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Love Magazine

The two-minute film, created by Emmy-nominated Hollywood director James Lima, shows Kardashian appear in a Christmas card drawing come-to-life.

Lima also directed fellow ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star Kendall Jenner as a mystical sorceress in the video ‘Yulefire’, released on Day 24 of the Love’s 2015 Advent Calendar.

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Love Magazine

After posing in a fantastical Northern Lights-lit landscape, Kardashian reaches out to the camera and the film ends with the words ‘Peace on earth’ appearing on the screen.

The mother-of-two has not made a public appearance or posted on social media since being robbed at gunpoint in Paris in October, but - as with all Love Advent Calendar videos - her film was shot over the summer months.

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Love Magazine

Watch Kardashian’s Love Advent Calendar 2016 video in full here.

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