Kimberley Walsh Is Beyond Stunning For Cosmopolitan

Kimberley Walsh Is Beyond Stunning For Cosmopolitan

Woah! Excuse us while we pick our jaws off the floor...

Kimberley Walsh has well and truly taken Team MyDaily's breath away with her steamy photo shoot with Cosmopolitan magazine. The singer opened up to Cosmo about the Girls Aloud reunion, her enviable curves and her desire to have a family...

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She may have dazzled us on Strictly Come Dancing in 2012, but Kimberley admitted she still finds it hard to see herself as sexy.

"I find it hard to talk about myself being sexy," she said. "I guess my shape is more womanly than the model look, and that's sexier. I go with it; that's how I am!... But it's not like putting on a dress suddenly makes you feel sexy. You need to feel good about yourself first. And I do – physically I'm really fit, and I'm really happy."

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Opening up being back with the girls, Kimberley said, "It's really nice. We've already fallen back into the same patterns; it's weird. Well, Sarah's not really a party animal anymore so that's changed, but I still fulfil the same role."

She added, "On our first performance everyone was getting really nervous and I was thinking, 'Right, OK, let's try to calm this situation down.' Cheryl's quite motherly too, while Nicola and Nadine are the young ones. We're still protective of them even though they're women now!"

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Kim also discussed her plan for a family, "I've started looking to the future a bit more. I do eventually want to settle down and have a family, which is why I'm fulfilling all of my dreams and selfish ambitions right now. I could definitely have a baby as part of Girls Aloud. The girls would support me because, as much as we put the group first, family is more important than any job. I'm not there yet, though."

For behind-the-scenes footage of Kimberley's cover shoot, please visit Cosmopolitan online.

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Full interview appears in February issue of Cosmopolitan, on sale Thursday 3 January 2013. Also available as a digital edition.

Hands up who's missing Strictly as much as us!

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