This Airline Has Employed A Beagle To Help Reunite Passengers With Lost Items

Is This Beagle The World's Cutest Airline Employee?

Is this the world's cutest airline employee? We think so.

If you ever travel with KLM through Amsterdam's Schiphol airport - and misplace an item while you're doing so - then you might find yourself being helped out by a furry, four-legged friend.

Sherlock the beagle works at the airport as a sort of sniffer dog. Only instead of searching for drugs, he reunites lost items with their owners - as you can see in this delightful advert (although we're a little unsure about him standing on a cafe counter. Health and Safety at Heathrow would never allow that).

Now if only they could swap his little harness jacket for a tiny deerstalker and cape...

(Via Mashable)

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